The assignment I was given was to make a 3D sample sheet/self portrait. I made a 3D chart about myself. This chart consists of beams. Each beam is made of a different material.
There are large beams at the bottom of my chart, which refers to the fact that I enjoy working with these materials and have a lot of knowledge about them. At the bottom of the chart there are materials such as wood, foam, and silicone. The higher the beam is, the greater the challenge for me to work with that material. At the top of the chart there are materials such as freestone, glass and iron. The chart also contains materials which I think have a fine structure, such as clay, fabric and cork. I have made several beams in my chart blue. I chose this colour because I am a member of a swimming club and I think blue is a colour that suits me well.
To make it possible for me to climb up the chart, I made sure the chart is rotatable, each beam automatically rotates up to 30 degrees. Turning the chart creates a spiral staircase. I can easily climb the staircase to discover new materials. The top beam in my chart is a mirror. This beam is in my chart, because I like to reflect on my work when I have finished a project.
Photos taken by Gijs de Kort Fotografie