Main Goals:
Increase the amount of collected bottles and cans
Making collecting process easier and cleaner

Currently, individuals in the Netherlands are collecting cans and bottles with deposit money from conventional trash cans. This task is messy and often leads to litter ending up on the streets. Instead of taking away their earnings, I made this process easier and cleaner.
I designed a container with a separate compartment specifically for bottles and cans with deposit money. To prevent misuse of this compartment, regular waste can also be deposited in a therefore intended segment, eliminating the need for multiple containers in one location. The cans and bottles are housed in tubes to ensure their orientation remains correct and thus minimize leakage. At the back of the container, a deposit money collector can place their bag for collecting bottles and cans. By opening the slide, all the bottles and cans slide into their bag, making the collection process super easy and clean. Anyone interested in collecting this money can utilize this system.
Moreover, besides improving the collection process, this innovative container encourages people to dispose their bottles and cans properly, contributing to recycling efforts.
Working Scale Model 1:2
Photos taken by Gijs de Kort Fotografie

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